烏都鄰舍中心於2021年成立社企鄰舍學堂 (Neighbour Training Centre),透過烘培及食品課程提供職前培訓機會予弱勢群體 (例如少數族裔、SEN、等等),讓其探索潛能,掌握初步職業技能,較易進入就業市場及融入社會。
"Bread Bunch" provide job and training opportunity for the disadvantaged groups; Promote healthy food culture; Enhance sense of community belonging of ethic minority group and disadvantaged groups (eg. SEN youth).
「龍城麵包工房」為弱勢社群提供培訓就業機會,提倡健康飲食文化,增加少數族裔人仕及弱勢社群 (例如SEN青少年) 社區歸屬感。
"Desi Power" is an adventure training program that targets educational institutions as its primary clients, to foster participants’ personal growth and enhance participants' professional skills in the field of adventure-based training.
烏都鄰舍中心有限公司 Urdu Neighbour Centre Limited
地址 : 九龍城何文田愛民邨嘉民樓512室 Address: Flat 512, Kar Man House, Oi Man Estate, Ho Man Tin.
電郵 Email: enquiry@unc.org.hk 電話 Tel: +852 2142 8181
Copyright © Urdu Neighbour Centre Limited. All Rights Reserved.