(Feb/2025) Ngau Tau Kok - Community Cultural Party

Inclu-points: +1 point / family
Date: 8/2/2025 (Sat)
Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: Ngau Tau Kok Service Point
(2/F, Yen Hau Mansion, 100 Ting Fu Street, Ngau Tau Kok)
Content: Interact with local Chinese community members & Enjoy Halal food together.
Quota: 40 EM participants (max 5 members/ family)
Fee: FREE of charge

Remarks: Each family should prepare one dessert and introduce it to others.

Enquiry: 90147236 (Ms. Pauline) 68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

(Feb/2025) Ngau Tau Kok - Ladies' Mehfil-E-Chai

Inclu-points: -1 point / participant
Date: 3/2/2025 (Mon)
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: Ngau Tau Kok Service Point
(2/F, Yen Hau Mansion, 100 Ting Fu Street, Ngau Tau Kok)
Content: Food sharing, mini games, ladies' talk.
Quota: 15 EM Ladies
Fee: FREE of charge
Remarks: Each participant is encouraged to prepare one dish to share.

Enquiry: 90147236 (Ms. Pauline) 68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

(Feb-Apr/2025) Ngau Tau Kok - Men's Basic Chinese Class

Inclu-points: +1 point/ session
Date: 4/2-25/2, 8/4-29/4/2025 (Every Tue; 8 sessions)
Time: 20:00-22:00
Venue: Hassan Provisional Store
(110 Ting Fu Street, Ngau Tau Kok)
Content: Learn Chinese speaking and listening for daily conversations, complemented by Urdu interpretation.
Quota: 15 EM Men
Fee: FREE of charge
Enquiry: 93120157 (Mr. Lam)  68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

(Feb-Apr/2025) Ngau Tau Kok - Ladies' Urdu Class

+2 points/ preparation session
+3 points/ practice session

> Preparation: 17/2/2025, 24/2/2025 (Every Mon; 2 sessions)
> Practice: March-April 2025 (Dates to be confirmed)

Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: Ngau Tau Kok Service Point
(2/F, Yen Hau Mansion, 100 Ting Fu Street, Ngau Tau Kok)
Content: Enhance Urdu reading, writing and speaking skills
Quota: 12 EM Ladies
Enquiry: 90147236 (Ms. Pauline)  68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

(Feb-Apr/2025) To Kwa Wan - Ladies' Basic Chinese Class

Inclu-points: +1 point/ session
Date: 5/2-26/2, 2/4-23/4/2025 (Every Wed; 8 sessions)
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: To Kwa Wan Service Point
(1/F, In House, 307 To Kwa Wan Road)
Content: Learn Chinese speaking and listening for daily conversations, complemented by Urdu interpretation.
Quota: 15 EM Ladies
Fee: FREE of charge
Enquiry: 90147236 (Ms. Pauline)  68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

(Feb/2025) To Kwa Wan - Ladies' Mehfil-E-Chai

Inclu-points: -1 point/ participant
Date: 14/2/2025 (Fri)
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: To Kwa Wan Service Point
(1/F, In House, 307 To Kwa Wan Road)
Content: Food sharing, mini games, ladies' talk.
Quota: 15 EM Ladies
Fee: FREE of charge
Remarks: Each participant is encouraged to prepare one dish to share.
Enquiry: 90147236 (Ms. Pauline)  68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

(Feb/2025) To Kwa Wan - Community Cultural Party

Inclu-points: +1 point/ family
Date: 23/2/2025 (Sun)
Time: 13:00-15:00
Venue: To Kwa Wan Service Point
(1/F, In House, 307 To Kwa Wan Road)
Content: Interact with local Chinese community members & Enjoy Halal food together.
Quota: 40 EM participants (max 5 members/ family)
Fee: FREE of charge

Remarks: Each family should prepare one dessert and introduce it to others.

Enquiry: 90147236 (Ms. Pauline)  68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

Disneyland Funday 2024

Date: 29-Aug-2024 (Thu)

Application Guidelines:

  1. Application Period: August 5th to August 14th
  2. Application Process is family-oriented. Ticket allocation is based on the following criteria:
    i)   Membership: Registered families can receive a maximum of 2 tickets.
    ii)  Participation: Members from registered families who have engaged in any UNC activity are eligible for extra tickets.
    iii)  Application Timestamp.
  3. Successful applicants will be notified via Whatsapp about the date, time, location, and necessary details to collect "Exchange Coupons."
  4. "Exchange Coupons" can be redeemed for "Disneyland Complimentary Tickets" between 10:00 am and 10:30 am on August 29th at the fountain near the main entrance of Disneyland.

Please Note:

  • Meals and transportation will not be provided.
  • Limited tickets available; obtaining tickets is not guaranteed.
  • Tickets are non-transferable.
  • Urdu Neighbour Centre reserves the right to make the final decision.

Enquiry: 68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

Wear Beading Making Class

Venue: On Tai Service Point,
                UG/F, Wo Tai House, On Tai Estate.
Content: Wear beading making
Capacity: 12 students
Fee: FREE of charge
Enquiry: 68434713 (Ms. Aisha)

烏都語課堂 (旅行會話)


  • 基本打招呼與自我介紹
  • 問路的對答
  • 乘坐交通工具的對答
  • 購物的對答


  • 2024年5月14日(二)
  • 2024年5月28日(二)
  • 2024年6月4日(二)
  • 2024年6月11日(二)

地點:牛頭角服務點:牛頭角定富街100 號仁厚大廈2樓

查詢:  93120157 (Mr. Lam)


Cross-cultural Workshop 跨文化體驗活動

Experience the richness of cross-cultural activities on-site, where participants can explore, gain knowledge, engage, and savor the diverse aspects of various cultures. To learn more, kindly reach out to us via email at enquiry@unc.org.hk.

我們提供到校/機構的跨文化體驗活動,讓參加者從外訪、學習、聆聽、甚或品嚐中體驗彼此文化的不同。若想知道更多,請發電郵給我們 enquiry@unc.org.hk

烏都鄰舍中心有限公司                                               Urdu Neighbour Centre Limited 
地址 : 九龍城何文田愛民邨嘉民樓512室           Address: Flat 512, Kar Man House, Oi Man Estate, Ho Man Tin.
電郵 Email: enquiry@unc.org.hk                           電話 Tel: +852 2142 8181

Copyright © Urdu Neighbour Centre Limited. All Rights Reserved.